
Dark energy could be getting weaker, suggesting the universe will end in a ‘Big Crunch’

Dark energy could be getting weaker, suggesting the universe will end in a ‘Big Crunch’

The current “standard model” of the cosmos, its history, and its evolution is called the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model — but the supremacy of this model, in which lambda represents the cosmological constant and dark energy, may now be under serious threat. 

In short, that is because new observations of the cosmos have suggested that dark energy, the force causing our universe to expand faster and faster, seems to be weakening. That may not sound like much in and of itself, but this finding actually has the potential to cause the first major paradigm shift in cosmology since the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe just over 25 years ago. It could even suggest out universe won’t end in a “Big Rip,” or a “Big Chill,” but rather a “Big Crunch.” More on that shortly, first, let’s dive into these fascinating results.

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