
What it was like to experience the ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse on Easter Island

What it was like to experience the ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse on Easter Island

RAPA NUI (EASTER ISLAND), Chile — Eclipse-chasers from across the globe gathered on remote Rapa Nui — also known as Isla de Pascua and Easter Island — to witness a fabulous “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse for about six minutes. It was the island’s first in 236 years and last for 321 years. 

I was there with eclipse-chaser experts Astro Trails, who I joined in Santiago, Chile to take a five-hour flight to the tiny Chilean island, 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) east of Pitcairn Island and 2,200 miles (3,540 km) from Chile. As I stepped off the plane, I could see extinct volcanoes and grassland. Within minutes, a necklace of flowers was placed around my neck. It was then a short 10-minute bus ride to the capital, Hanga Roa. The entire island is just 63 square miles (163 square km). 

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