
Cosmic rays could help assess hidden war damage in Ukraine

Cosmic rays could help assess hidden war damage in Ukraine

Energetic particles that pop briefly into existence when cosmic rays hit Earth’s atmosphere could help assess hidden damage to buildings in Ukraine after the war ends.

These particles — known as muons — are very strange. They are birthed from collisions between high-energy protons and atomic nuclei that make up cosmic rays, and molecules in Earth’s atmosphere. They exist for only about 2 microseconds before decaying into electrons and anti-neutrinos. But as they travel at the speed of light, they cover vast distances during their fleeting existence. Every second, about 10,000 muons rain on a square meter of Earth’s surface. In fact, these odd particles don’t only rain onto the surface, they penetrate into it, burrowing hundreds of feet into the ground. This ability of these particles to penetrate matter gave scientists in the 1940s the idea to use muon detectors to peer inside vast, otherwise impenetrable, structures. It took a long time before the technology could live up to the task.

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