
Ancient supermassive black hole is blowing galaxy-killing wind, James Webb Space Telescope finds

Ancient supermassive black hole is blowing galaxy-killing wind, James Webb Space Telescope finds

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have spotted the earliest powerful “galaxy-size” wind blowing from a feeding supermassive black hole-powered quasar. The powerful wind is pushing gas and dust from its galaxy at incredible speeds, killing star birth in its host galaxy. 

This quasar, designated J1007+2115, is so distant that it is seen as it was just 700 million years after the Big Bang — when the 13.8 billion-year-old universe was just around 5% of its current age. Though this makes J1007+2115 just the third-earliest quasar ever seen, it is the earliest ever observed with a powerful, galaxy-size wind flowing from it.

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